Hiking is one of the most amazing outdoor activities suitable for both kids and adults. Meaning, you can hike with your family members, a group of friends or even solo and you will still have fun. Hiking gives you a perfect opportunity to devote to nature and enjoy some quiet serene views away from the busy bustle of urban life.
However, if you fail to organize yourself accordingly, hiking can give you some bad memories too. Whether you are a veteran or just starting, your safety is paramount when it comes to hiking. While hiking is all about having a good time and exploring the unexplored, it is also important to note that being overconfidence can turn out to be deadly too. Interestingly, hiking has its unwritten rules that you must follow if you want to have a memorable, exciting and safe trip.
To avoid going through bad experiences, make sure you do your due diligence before heading out. To help you with this, here are crucial hiking safety tips and common mistakes to avoid when hiking. They are meant to help you enjoy your hiking experience every step of the way.
Stay hydrated
You need to drink enough water to stay hydrated during your hike. Remember you need to be in good shape to trek those trails. If you start feeling weary or experiencing headaches, the whole trip can turn out to be a nightmare not only for you but also for other trekkers in your company. Hence, if you don’t want to be the reason the hike was cut short, then stay hydrated all the time.
Don’t make a mistake of being carried away by the stunning beauty around you and forget about hydrating yourself. Most trekkers including experienced trekkers take water only when they feel thirsty forgetting that by the time you feel thirsty, your body is already dehydrated. Your body needs to stay hydrated throughout your hike to protect it from serious health issues that can ruin your hiking experience. To protect yourself from dehydration problems, drink water every half an hour. It will help to maintain your body temperature, keep you hydrated and energized so that you can enjoy your trip.
Go in a group
This doesn’t mean you abort your solo hiking mission right away. Just note that solo hiking is slightly riskier and you need to be more vigilant if it’s going to be a success. While it can be lots of fun, if you are not sure about the safety of the trail you intend to take, it would be best to go in a group or at least with one friend. Two are better than one and can make informed choices. You also have someone to look up to in case you fall sick or get an injury.
Most probably you have heard stories of solo trekkers who disappeared and later found dead, would you want to be among them? For sure not. To be safer, go with at least a few friends or family members. If you must go alone, don’t take anything into chances. Choose a well-known trail and give an explicit description of the place to someone close to you, get a map, carry a fully charged phone and a power bank and have an emergency number you can call in the case of a problem. Most importantly, stick to the marked trail if you want to go back home in one piece.
Consult a park ranger
If you have never taken that route before or it has been a while, chances are, things might have changed a lot. Therefore, before you start your journey, consider consulting a park ranger regarding what you need to do to stay safe in that particular location. You may also enquire about what you are likely to encounter along the journey, recent changes to the terrain and any other important information you need to make your hiking experience a great one.
Have an emergency plan
Things can still fallout even after putting everything in order. That’s why it’s vital to have a plan for what you will do in case of an emergency. You need to agree on how you will call for help if something bad happens and the number(s) you can call. Also, make sure you have carried a fully charged phone and a portable charger. A whistle can also help people to locate you. Yelling will take all your energy and might not even reach the intended audience. You also have to agree on who to go get help if you are unable to transmit a message from your location. With that settled, you can now go ahead and enjoy your hiking trip.
Pack right
When packing for a hiking trip, whether it will take a few hours or some days, it’s always important to prioritize your safety. Make sure you pack items and gadgets that can help you to respond to an emergency just in case. Even if you are planning a day hike, have some items that can help you spend at least one night outdoor in case of any eventuality. A first aid kit is a must. But for it to be of help to you, you need to equip yourself with some essential first aid skills such as dressing a wound or performing CPR. You also need a map even when you are conversant with the location. Just have it. It is better you have it and never use it than desperately need it but fail to have it. Although a GPS or a mobile device can help, it’s important to have a reliable map in case these devices decide to give you a hard time.
Respect the local people
Some hikers may not take this as a hiking safety tip, but those who know better can relate. Some of the best-hiking destinations are based in remote areas and you are likely to meet some locals during your trip. These people have their way of life and they have certain cultures that they hold dearly. If you want these people to welcome you, be a good guest. Disrespecting them might see you lose their hospitality and this can turn out to be quite ugly. Although some practices might be hard to adjust to, try your best not offend their cultural values. Learning a few polite words can go a long way.
Be ready to change your plans
When it comes to your safety during a hiking trip, be prepared for anything including a change of plan. Plans can change due to weather changes, an injury and a closed trail among other challenges. Instead of feeling disappointed, be grateful for the exposure. Plus, out of the experience, you will be a better planner in future.
Hike safely
If you avoid these disastrous blunders and mistakes, your hiking experiences will always turn out to be the best.
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