Travelling alone especially for women is super empowering. You have the freedom to explore the world without any distraction. As a matter of facts, travelling as a single woman can make you a sharp thinker knowing that you are the only person to make all the decisions. Besides, how else can you become this fiercely independent woman if you don’t step out of your comfort zone?
Most female travel hopefuls have not taken the bold step yet because they are not sure of their safety. They are worried that being alone far away from home can make them an easy target. Or their inner voice is warning them about the trip turning out to be the worst.
The good news is that the journey you are about to embark on has been done by many other women and they have experienced nothing but success. While there some situations or places that can put you at risk and ruin your trip, if you have the skills you need to stay safe when traveling, nothing should stop you from enjoying solo trips as a woman. Whether you are travelling for leisure, business or both, these tips will help you to keep yourself safe and enjoy your trip to the fullest.
A successful trip requires planning whether it’s your first time or you are a veteran single woman traveler. Take time to plan for your trip beforehand. Planning will save you time, money and make your experience unforgettable. Travel planning involves a lot of things but the main ones should include choosing the destination and the best way to reach the place. It is also through planning that you will be able to tell the things to pack and the documents you will need among other important issues. If you fail to plan, you will end up blaming yourself because things might end up haywire.
Pack smart
Its import you avoid big and bulky luggage when travelling alone. Apart from them restricting your movement, they can pose a great challenge when you have to navigate planes, trains and public transportation. Instead, opt for a few necessary pieces of clothes you are sure you will need during the trip. Remember to find out about the required dress code for women in the area you are visiting to help you pack clothes you will actually wear.
Also, if you are going to that place for the first time, consider leaving your valuables and jewellery behind. They are safer at home or a place you are sure it’s secure. You also need to bring a money belt. It can help keep your money safe during those long overnight trips or at places that seem unsafe.
Before you leave for your trip, ensure you find out vital information about the destination you intend to travel to. You need to find out about the inhabitants’ cultures and how they expect their women to dress and behave. If you can try and dress like the local women, you will protect yourself from getting unwanted attention.
There are countries where cultural values are greatly upheld and anyone who offends them faces dire consequences. Learn about those values and try to observe them during your stay. They can help you keep out of trouble. If you become a good guest, the locals will welcome you and you will learn a lot from your visit.
You should also find out about the crime level in that place and places to avoid. You can make a local female friend. You can get one on the social media platforms or the various travel blogs available. Ask them about anything you need to know. You can even plan to meet up if you find the friendship worthwhile. When you are well-informed about a place, you won’t look lost when you finally arrive. This will make you look confident and people who know what they are doing or where they are going to are less of a target. They cannot be compared to those who look lost and desperate.
Trust your gut
If there is a time you need to trust your intuition, it’s when you are travelling alone. If you don’t feel safe going to a certain place or meeting a stranger for a drink just to know each other more, then trust your gut instincts and abort the plan. If you are couch surfing and your instincts tell you something is amiss, it’s probably is. Do not wait until you actually confirm that something is wrong. Just consider looking for alternative accommodation.
However, be positive minded. If you assume that everyone around you is ready to harm you, then you will really have a rough time during your trip. Instead of relaxing and enjoying some good time during your vacation, you will be this exhausted woman who looks confused and unsettled because she thinks something terrible is about to happen. The fact that you are looking up for yourself does not mean you become paranoid. Be smart, use your common sense and explore that new gorgeous place like the tourist you are.
Do not over trust
Of course, the world would be an amazing place if everyone was kind, thoughtful and caring but unfortunately, there are so many people out there whom you should be wary about. Therefore, do not be quick to trust strangers including your fellow women. Be good and welcoming when it’s warranted but if you sense danger, then prioritize on your safety.
If you are going to travel in your car, do not pick up strangers including those who seem to be desperately looking for help. It could be a trap meant for naïve travellers. Furthermore, avoid a stopover at a lonely place even if you have fallen in love with the scenic views. Stopping to take those pictures might turn you into a victim. Instead of compromising on your safety, plan on revisiting the place another time when you have company.
Even if you are on a tight budget and wouldn’t mind splitting some costs, never consider sharing a room with a stranger. That person you met at an attraction site or sat next to during your flight is still a stranger. You cannot know someone’s true intentions after spending a few hours with them. Don’t get in a situation you will regret later. It’s easier to welcome someone but totally difficult to get rid of them later after realizing they are not what you thought they are.
Women exploring the world safely
As long as you are well-equipped with tips and tricks to keep yourself safe while on the go, nothing should hinder you from achieving a life full of fulfilment. If you are passionate about solo travels but have been holding back because of fear of the unknown or the people around you are constantly warning you about the dangers of traveling alone as a woman, its time you break those chains. Begin with a shorter distance. You will soon realize it wasn’t that scary after all and with time, you will be travelling far and wide.
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